Saturday, July 22, 2017

Trudeau Lite and His Crooked Ways

Image courtesy of The Proud Boys

So Trudeau Jr. shows up in Barrie basically doing his vote canvassing for his second primeministership term and...talked about childcare!

Well he talked about government handouts for children "Suffer the little children" said Jesus and woe to those who deign to make profit in their name. And in the name of the poor: "For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always," said Jesus shining a harsh bright light on the money-grabbing hypocrites who will use the tattered rags of the destitute to fill up their tainted coffers.

But not jobs. Why did not this false prince talk jobs? As in: "Let's build on the Barrie initiative and move manufacturing jobs to Barrie?" And: "We the government are in full support of helping people become self-sufficient?" He could have just said it. Delivering on his words (which he likely couldn't and wouldn't do anyway - who abracadabra waves a wand and jobs land from fairy dust?) would have been another story. People are more generous to those who try to help than those those who hoodwink them with their deceits.

Government is now so clearly the paleolithic mountain standing between the people and the reality that (some of) these people will be (are) completely ignoring it and going about building their own lives. And once they get used to this, well lets say Marie Antoinette got off easy.

Imagine the surprise on Trudeau Lite's smug face (and there will be a surprise) when Canada resumes its true pride and reconstructs a new Jerusalem.

God help him.